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Office of Mental Health

Consumer Survey

Completing this form will enable the Office of Consumer Affairs to prioritize issues for a recipient and family agenda, identify individuals like you who may be a resource to aid in policy and other discussions, and identify information and resource needs that exist.

Fields in bold are required. Place a check in each column next to each issue that you feel is appropriate. You may check more then one box for each issue. Once finished click on the "Submit" button located at the bottom of the page.

Would you be willing to serve on Boards or Committees?
Do you self-identify as someone who has used mental health services?
Do you self-identify as a family member of someone who has used services?

Clinical Issues

Issues Would like more
information on
this issue
Would like to be
involved with
this issue
Thinks this issue
is very important


Issues Would like more
information on
this issue
Would like to be
involved with
this issue
Thinks this issue
is very important

Evidence Based Practices

Issues Would like more
information on
this issue
Would like to be
involved with
this issue
Thinks this issue
is very important

Other Issues of Importance

Issues Would like more
information on
this issue
Would like to be
involved with
this issue
Thinks this issue
is very important

Comments or questions about the information on this page can be directed to the Office of Consumer Affairs.